Saturday, December 16, 2006

Saturday, December 16, 2006
I hate the Dentist! Current mood: sore
Two weeks ago, I had to have a root canal. Thursday, I got off work and went to the dentist for a follow up appointment, which I thought was to be fitted for a crown. Wrong! He went back in and did some more root canals on the same tooth. He gave me as much numbing medicine as he could (for being pregnant) and it still hurt. I went in to work at eleven that night in pain, took some Tylenol and hoped for the best. I wish I could take Ibuprofen, but I can't so.........I woke up last night and felt great! However, this morning I am in severe pain again, only this time it is the whole left side of my mouth.
I am supposed to go to a wedding this afternoon in Mississippi, but I do not think that I will be able to make it. I feel bad because the wedding is of a friend that lived across the street from me for many years, but all I feel like doing is laying down.
Tomorrow, Steve & I are opening our house up to my mom's side of the family and my dad's brother and mom for our annual Christmas get together. I am so excited! Thankfully, Steve is going to help me out today with the cleaning I do not know what I would do without him. He's the best.
I had an awesome birthday on Tuesday! Steve and I went out on Monday night and had dinner and went shopping. Tuesday, I went shopping with my mom to finish up the Christmas presents, met Steve for lunch at El Porton, then had homemade lasagna, rolls, and strawberry cake with Steve and my parents. My mom is the best cook!! Steve got me a past, present, and future diamond necklace, and my parents and my sister/brother in law got me a bunch of Vera Bradley stuff in the Mesa Red pattern. My other family members sent me money, which is always good
That's pretty much been my life this week. I hope the rest of it is uneventful

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Sunday, December 10, 2006
Random Thoughts Current mood: sleepy
Steve recorded a 4 hour long movie about Princess Diana the other day for me, since he knows I liked to read/watch about her. I was off work tonight & Steve had to work, so I decided to pass the time watching it. I really enjoyed it, but it really made me stop and think about how blessed I am! I have a wonderful husband that doesn't just call me his wife, but his best friend. I can't imagine being in a marriage where there was no love or affection whatsoever. Just the other day for example: December 7th was our 11 month anniversary. I, of course, did not even think about it since I was focusing on the one year mark, but Steve did. In the wee hours of the morning on the 7th I got a text message at work from him saying "happy anniversary, check the glove box." When I got off work, there was the sweetest card waiting for me. I love little surprises like that, and thank God that He gave me such a wonderful husband!! These past 11 months have flown by and have been so awesome. Don't get me wrong, there are times when we both just need to "do our own thing" for a day so we don't kill each other, but overall it is much better than anyone ever told me it would be!
We find out the sex of our little one on January 3rd! I am so excited that I can finally call it a he or a she, rather than it. We've got the girl name picked out, but not the boy. Same thing for the nursery bedding as well.....I knew right away when I saw the girl bedding. If it is a girl, it will be easier just because we know what we would like, but for some reason I still want a boy......but I'll be perfectly happy with whatever God gives me. It really is just a preference to have the boy older and protective of the little sister, but it doesn't really matter.
I can't believe Christmas is 14 days away! I still have a ton of presents to buy for my family & friends. I am going shopping with my mom on my birthday to finish up my siblings and their spouses presents.......but I still have to finish Steven's & my mom's. I still don't have all of the ornaments on my tree! I have until Sunday though, that is when all of my aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, and parents are coming over to celebrate Christmas. I cleaned the house for a long time tonight to prepare for everything, as this week is going to be a busy one.
I work tonight (Sunday night), celebrating my birthday with Steve Monday night, shopping with mom on Tuesday morning, celebrating my birthday with my parents/Steve on Tuesday night, working wed/thurs night, dentist appt to get a crown placed on Thursday morning, a wedding to attend Saturday in Mississippi, and family Christmas party on Sunday. I am already tired and this week hasn't even gotten started I love this time of year though.
Well, I have one more load of towels to fold before Steve gets home from work, then I think I will be done! YAY. I love being married, but do not care for spending a few hours each week cleaning. Ohwell, such as life. At least he helps me do it!! Toodles

Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Please explain! Current mood: frustrated
Would someone please explain to me how the United States Postal System & Government work? How is it that I mailed my passport name change on November 16th via certified priorty mail and they JUST got it on Monday? I mailed it so that it would have almost 2 months to be processed before we go out of the country. (even though it usually takes 6 weeks or less to process)
I just thought I would check on the status of my application this morning via the internet. It said in bold letters, scheduled to be completed on january 6th. Nope, not going to work considering I would be on my way to Miami by then! So I called. Supposedly they didn't recieve the application until Monday, two weeks after I mailed it??? To make this long story short, I now have to pay the stupid government $60 to expedite the application to have it within two weeks. Something that was supposed to be free (since I was only changing my name on my old passport) ends up costing. Ugh! The good news is that I should have it before Christmas, so I won't have to worry about it.
For those that don't know, Steve and I are flying to Miami on January 6th and then on the 7th we are going on a seven night cruise to the Bahamas, Puerto Rico, St. Maarten, & St. Thomas--hence the need for a passport thanks to the new rules and regulations. We are supposed to be going with my friend Sarah & her husband John, so we are excited! This is kind of our last big vacation before the little one arrives, although I am sure we will go to Florida to visit my sister a few times before he/she arrives in May.
Also, anyone have any ideas where to find a maternity bathing suit in the middle of December? Haha. I have looked on line but don't see anything I like. Had I known that I was going to be pregnant, I could have bought some summer maternity clothes in the summer, but I don't have a crystal ball. I definately can't wear one of the ones I have already, cause they don't fit my ever growing belly. I already broke down and bought some maternity jeans cause my regular ones were so snug I must say they are very comfy though.
Alright this is long enough. I am supposed to be cleaning/doing laundry since I have to work tonight, but my hubby told me he would do it for me while I am at work!! Aw, how sweet.

Saturday, December 2, 2006

Saturday, December 02, 2006
Why? Current mood: hungry
I haven't had morning sickness in two weeks. That is until Thursday. I got up Thursday morning feeling ok and then BAM! To the bathroom I went. I thought to myself, okay maybe this is just a fluke. I had a root canal done on Wednesday before my OB appointment and hadn't eaten a lot, so I thought maybe that was why. NOPE!
I went to Cracker Barrell on Friday morning with some friends after work. I was craving pancakes & orange juice, no big deal. After I ate, I started to not feel so good. By the time I drove home (40 minutes later), I knew it was gonna happen again so I ran to the bathroom. I slept til 4 in the afternoon, was up for about 45 minutes and it hit me again! YUCK!
Today is a new day and I keep telling myself that I am not going to be sick. The power of positive thinking? We'll see.
I have some friends and a bunch of girls at work that are pregnant, most of them being due after me. One thing that is really getting on my nerves is "I am pregnant so I can blame my mood swings, grouchiness, and complaining on that since my hormones are raging." True, hormones are raging, but to me that doesn't mean that you can't control those fits of rage. It's just an excuse. I have moments when something that normally doesn't bother me bugs the mess out of me, or I get outraged at something and want to speak my mind, but you just have to learn to control it and shut your mouth before you hurt someone or make them feel like dirt.
Being pregnant is fun! You get little gifts out of the blue that just make your day. The other day, I went to the mailbox and there was a little box inside. We opened it up and there was a present from my friend Chantal. I haven't talked to her in a while, so it was a nice surprise! She gave us an ornament from Hallmark that has 2 chickens reading a book and it says "parents to be" and then there is a book on the floor that says 2006. It is so cute! We love it. If you are reading this btw, thank you again!
Well, Steve and I are going to hang some lights on the house this morning. I am hoping that I can talk him in to going to get breakfast somewhere This afternoon, we are going to my aunts house to look at Christmas lights up there. Hopefully it will be fun!

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

The Big News!

Wednesday, November 29, 2006
The Shock of Our Lives! Current mood: tired
We found out that we were going to be parents on September 29th. I was a little over a week late & had started my next pack of birth control pills. This was a little odd for me, but I just thought maybe it was the different brand of pills messing me up. Well, that evening Steve was on his way to work and asked me if I had had the lovely visitor yet, and of course I said no. He looked at me and said, "So....what are we naming it?" Funny haha I told him. He went off to work and I waited for my mom to pick me up. We were going to Dyersburg to stay with my aunt over the weekend and go to a fleamarket. I started thinking about how late I was and decided that on the way to my aunts I would stop and buy a test just to be sure that I WASN'T! I honestly did not think that I was simply because I had cramps and all of the other PMS symptoms like I always have. As soon as we got to my aunts, I took the test. About 2 seconds after did the test there was two pink lines. I immediately started shaking and crying saying "no way this can't be true, I am not ready for this etc." I called my mom in the bathroom and by this time I was hysterical!! She didn't know what was wrong with me and I showed her the test and she hugged me and tried to comfort me, but all I could do was cry and hold on to her so I wouldn't fall! My aunt came in to see what was wrong with needless to say Steve was not the first person to find out. I eventually calmed down and we all piled in the car to go to Wal-Greens to buy 3 more tests to "just be sure". I called Steve on the way and he knew without me even saying anything. He comforted me as much as he could without actually being there.
I called my sister to tell her and I will never forget what she said to me: "I wish that I could say I am sorry, but I can't! I am so excited, I'm going to be an aunt and you are going to be such a good mom!!!" I just wanted one person to say they were sorry, but noone did I wouldn't have told someone that either now that I look back on it!
Well, I was pretty much in shock the whole weekend. I did not talk very much and cried more in those 3 days than I have in the past few years combined. I finally calmed down on Sunday when I was able to see Steve & just let him hold me. He told me no more tears about being pregnant and that we were going to get through it together. That did it for me....a kiss, hug, and some encouragement. I haven't cried about being pregnant since!
We had our first prenatal visit the first week in October to confirm everything. After the visit we met my mom and sister for lunch and they had bought us baby gifts already! We got some cute clothes, bibs, baby clothes hangers, pregnancy magazines and books.
At our visit on November 1st we heard the heart beat! It was so fast and amazing. I had heard heartbeats in nursing school, but it is very different when it is your own child!!! Today we had another appointment and heard the heartbeat again, only this time we recorded it. The baby had the hiccups and they were SOO loud! Dr. Wortham said that he doesn't think he has ever heard them that early in a pregnancy before. The baby's heartrate was 152 and sounded nice and strong.
Anyways, that is the story about how we found out. I will try to post blogs more often, but I am making no promises