Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Wednesday, September 24, 2008
It’s been so long! Current mood: breezy
Wow, it has been a very long time since I have updated. I'm not even sure where to begin!
Macy Jane is doing very well. Each day she getting stronger, learning new things, and doing new things. She has been crawling like a big girl for a while now (instead of the army crawl!) and most recently she has been getting in to the kneeling position and pulling her self up on the furniture!! She has been involved in physical, speech, and occupational therapy for about a month and a half now. As I type this, she is crawling over to the end table and grabbing books off of it and "eating" them She loves books and being read to. She has also started to eat more things by mouth. She's still fed primarily by the g-tube, but one day we will get there.
The biggest news is that Macy Jane has to have another surgery. Soon. Like October 7th soon. It isn't because of a life threatening emergency situation. It's something that we knew would happen, just didn't know that it would happen this soon! She is going to have her conduit changed out via open heart surgery. We had the consultation with the surgeon last week and he said that if everything goes well with no complications, she should be in the hospital for a week. Please remember us in your prayers. It does not get any easier as she gets older. If anything, I am dreading this surgery more than the past two because we know what to expect this time around on top of the fact that MJ is older and definately a lot more strong. *sigh*
Everything else is going ok. I redecorated my living room and guest bath this past weekend. Kirkland's was having a massive sale and I got some things that I've had my eye on for a few weeks. When we bought our house, I bought 4 pictures for the living room just to put something on the walls until I found something I loved. Well, it's been almost 3 years and I finally finished it.
Life has been super busy for us. My brother came to live with us at the beginning of August. The doctors thought that he had lymphoma, but after a biopsy was performed it was determined that he does not have cancer after all! He went back to Missouri this morning. If it had been cancer, he was going to stay with us so that we could take care of him. I'm so thankful to God that he is cancer free MJ has therapy on Tuesday and Thursday and a lady comes to our house on Fridays for an hour to do some play therapy with MJ in the home environment and help us as parents with resources in the community etc. On top of that we both work full time and I am trying to work extra days to make up for the time that I take off with MJ's surgery. However, staying busy helps me de-stress.
Well, I guess that is all for now. I hope that ya'll are well.
Much Love,

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