Wednesday, November 29, 2006

The Big News!

Wednesday, November 29, 2006
The Shock of Our Lives! Current mood: tired
We found out that we were going to be parents on September 29th. I was a little over a week late & had started my next pack of birth control pills. This was a little odd for me, but I just thought maybe it was the different brand of pills messing me up. Well, that evening Steve was on his way to work and asked me if I had had the lovely visitor yet, and of course I said no. He looked at me and said, "So....what are we naming it?" Funny haha I told him. He went off to work and I waited for my mom to pick me up. We were going to Dyersburg to stay with my aunt over the weekend and go to a fleamarket. I started thinking about how late I was and decided that on the way to my aunts I would stop and buy a test just to be sure that I WASN'T! I honestly did not think that I was simply because I had cramps and all of the other PMS symptoms like I always have. As soon as we got to my aunts, I took the test. About 2 seconds after did the test there was two pink lines. I immediately started shaking and crying saying "no way this can't be true, I am not ready for this etc." I called my mom in the bathroom and by this time I was hysterical!! She didn't know what was wrong with me and I showed her the test and she hugged me and tried to comfort me, but all I could do was cry and hold on to her so I wouldn't fall! My aunt came in to see what was wrong with needless to say Steve was not the first person to find out. I eventually calmed down and we all piled in the car to go to Wal-Greens to buy 3 more tests to "just be sure". I called Steve on the way and he knew without me even saying anything. He comforted me as much as he could without actually being there.
I called my sister to tell her and I will never forget what she said to me: "I wish that I could say I am sorry, but I can't! I am so excited, I'm going to be an aunt and you are going to be such a good mom!!!" I just wanted one person to say they were sorry, but noone did I wouldn't have told someone that either now that I look back on it!
Well, I was pretty much in shock the whole weekend. I did not talk very much and cried more in those 3 days than I have in the past few years combined. I finally calmed down on Sunday when I was able to see Steve & just let him hold me. He told me no more tears about being pregnant and that we were going to get through it together. That did it for me....a kiss, hug, and some encouragement. I haven't cried about being pregnant since!
We had our first prenatal visit the first week in October to confirm everything. After the visit we met my mom and sister for lunch and they had bought us baby gifts already! We got some cute clothes, bibs, baby clothes hangers, pregnancy magazines and books.
At our visit on November 1st we heard the heart beat! It was so fast and amazing. I had heard heartbeats in nursing school, but it is very different when it is your own child!!! Today we had another appointment and heard the heartbeat again, only this time we recorded it. The baby had the hiccups and they were SOO loud! Dr. Wortham said that he doesn't think he has ever heard them that early in a pregnancy before. The baby's heartrate was 152 and sounded nice and strong.
Anyways, that is the story about how we found out. I will try to post blogs more often, but I am making no promises

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