Monday, October 29, 2007

Monday, October 29, 2007
Monday Current mood: content
Sorry it has taken me so long to update again. I had a nasty stomach virus all weekend that restricted me to the bed, thank God THAT is over with
I have nothing but good news to report. Macy Jane continues to do really really well. She is the happiest little girl in the world, unless she has bad gas!! Mylicon is our best friend right now, and the Baby Einstein channel of course!
So what has been happening over the past few days? MJ has been throwing up every once in a while, not continuously thank God. The docs aren't concerned because most babies spit up probably at least once a day anyways and it isn't affecting her weight gain at all. They want her to gain an ouce a day and she is gaining on an average 3-4 ounces a day! She now weighs 11 pounds 9.3 ounces!!! She is getting so CHUBBY it is really adorable, even if she is my own daughter and I'm biased
Cardiac status is great. She has really had no issues with that. She is on room air and has been for about 5 days now. We are still having a little trouble with her pooping schedule because she is still on a little bit of Methadone, but that should be off in a few days and hopefully she will get back to normal. Besides that she is doing great !
So, when are we coming home? Today is her last day of antibiotics and tomorrow night they are going to draw a CBC with differential, blood cultures, and a CRP. The results of those tests determine when we are going home. If everything is good and normal she will be discharged Thursday or Friday! We will stay in the area for a couple of days to make sure everything goes okay and then fly home together as a family on a commercial flight! I am super nervous just because I have never had a "normal" baby before and I am so afraid something will go wrong in mid-air.......but I have to have faith! I am looking at plane tickets to return on Monday or Tuesday, Wednesday at the latest Just please please please pray that the infection is completely removed from her body, that is our only hangup right now.
I have a lot of pictures to post since we have been out here. I am going to attempt to make a slide show of them for all to see. Hope everyone is well. We are great. Thanks so much for the prayers, I can't wait to send out a blog saying that we are home!!!!!
Much Love

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