Thursday, August 2, 2007

Thursday, August 02, 2007
Thursday Current mood: scared
Today was a good day that turned bad. It started off great. A great friend of mine, Micah, asked me to go to lunch with her and then to get our nails and feet done. That was soo nice. Someone had given me some gift cards to TGI Friday and some money to get my nail/feet done, so I didn't feel guilty about doing it.
I was heading back to the hospital stuck in traffic when Steve text messaged me that Macy Jane wasn't doing good, her oxygen levels were in the 30s! I was stuck on the interstate but finally started moving.....I put my flashers on and did 100 all the way to LeBoneheur. I didn't care if a cop started following me, I WAS NOT pulling over. Thankfully, noone stopped me. I got there and Steve was in the hallway. They had intubated MJ again, and put her on the breathing machine and sedated/paralyzed her. I was so upset, I just cried and cried. I calmed down though and went in her room and touched her and kissed her and told her that I loved her. She is in the ICU and is doing GREAT now. Her color is better than it has been in days. Nice & Pink. They aren't sure what happened, but thinkit was a combination of her being in pain from gas (which they would not give her Mylicon because they didnt want to mask the symptoms which pissed me off) and clamping down her circulation and becoming acidotic. Dr. Cabrera (my fav ICU doc) was very chipper and optimistic and said that she will be off the ventilator by the end of the weekend and that he thinks she may have never fully recovered from being on the ventilator for her stomach surgery. They sent her to the floor with CO2 levels still a tad bit high.
I went through my usual feelings and emotions, but maybe God is doing this to tell us that it is time to go to California sooner. Right now (before all of this happened) it looked as if we were going to go in as little as 2 weeks. Who knows what will happen now. God is opening some doors for Steve to get a job out there, so just keep praying.
This is one roller coaster ride that I can't wait to be over, in God's timing. She was doing so well, but it all goes back to the fact that her little heart needs some major repairing. I came home tonight because me and Steve were originally going to be home tonight and I didn't pack my clothes or shoes appropriately. He is still at the hospital, they are allowing us to keep our stuff in her old room so he will have a place to sleep.
Please pray for my little baby. I know everyone is, I just have to keep asking because that is the only thing that helps. Also, remember Steve and our families as well. This has all been so hard emotionally, physically, and financially. Just when I think I can't take more, God puts more on me, but I guess it is to make me stronger. Just keep praying and I will update as I can.

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