Thursday, August 23, 2007

Thursday, August 23, 2007
Our life in a few paragraphs Current mood: contemplative
Macy Jane continues to do well. She is such a happy baby (most of the time when the nurses aren't bugging her) and smiling more and more. Continues to be off of the oxygen for a week now, praise the Lord!
Reality hit hard today. Dr. Cabrera came in to see MJ and said that Dr. Joshi was calling a cardiologist at Stanford about transferring MJ out there, soon. Apparently Dr. Joshi was on the phone with the nurse today and getting lots of information and she said that Dr. Joshi should be coming by soon to tell us when we are headed to CA. Reality hit that D-day is really close and fast approaching. I had a weak moment of faith and started worrying about all of the what ifs and called my sister bawling. She talked to me and comforted me with scripture from the Bible and that really helped me. I Just cannot imagine life without my precious baby girl, my gift from God. For those of you that have been blessed with healthy children, hug them tight and thank God that you are blessed with a "normal" life and do not have to do through all of this. I am not saying woe is me or anything like that. I would not trade my life or my daughter for a perfectly healthy child. She is my miracle baby and God is teaching me a lot through this whole situation. Sometimes I get a twinge of jealousy when I hear of people having healthy babies and enjoying them at home, but God has been with us every day for the past 12 weeks, with 10 of those being at Lebonheur.
I do not think that Steve is going to be able to travel in CA. It just isn't working out and the more I think about it, the more I realize that I need him at Stanford with me and MJ. God has been providing for us financially to where we are set for the first month we are out there as far as expenses back home. Today, a nurse that Steve works with handed Steve a check for $!,000!! Unbelievable. God is so good.
In other news! God has provided a photographer for us. Mr. Perry (father of a friend from high school) is coming to LeBonheur tomorrow at 3pm to do a full photoshoot for us, just like we were at Sears or JCPenney. MJ has a lot of cute outfits to wear and I cannot wait. We are praying that she will be awake and in a good mood and smiling. I want to thank Gayle, my friend who's dad is doing this, for making this happen. Words cannot express my gratitude. I only hope I can be a blessing like so many have been to us.
Well, I came home tonight to get our clothes together and iron MJs outfits. I need to get going on that so that I can get back to LeBonheur before 1am. Thanks for the prayers and keep them coming!

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