Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Nerves! Current mood: anxious
I was a little worried last night about not being able to sleep. Today is the day that I get a sneak peek at Macy Jane!!!! But, thankfully I slept very well, only waking up once to make sure I wasn't over sleeping
I am SO excited, and yet VERY nervous at the same time. I am nervous just because every time I have had an ultrasound, I have received bad news, especially at this doctors office. So, in my mind I kind of associate bad news with this doctor, even though it isn't his fault! Just say a little prayer for me and Steve!!!
My sister just sent me a text message saying that she is in town. YAY! We are going to the doctor, then to my favorite restaurant right now, El Porton. After that, they want to take me to buy a new outfit for the shower.....something bright and cheery Of course I am up for that because shopping is right up my alley. And then......who knows what we will do. Shower planning stuff I guess!
I need to get going. Our appointment is at 9:30 and I have to go to my moms house first to meet up with everyone. Hopefully, we will have good news and I can post some pictures on the internet later! I still have some other ones that I need to put on here. Maybe when she is 5 I will get around to it. Bye Bye Now!!

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