Sunday, March 4, 2007

Sunday, March 04, 2007
What's New Current mood: tired
I wrote out this nice long blog last week & clicked for it to post. Well, my question today is........WHERE IS IT? Myspace needs to get its act together.
Anyways, I don't remember what my other blogs said, or what my bulletins have said. So, I thought I would give a quick update on the past couple of weeks.
Steve & I were tested for the syndrome that MJ supposedly has and the results came back negative. What that means is that me & Steve are not carriers of it and that what is going on with MJ is just a random "fluke" occurance. We could have more children if we wanted without the risk of passing it on 50% to another child. That was awesome news, as we have always said we wanted to have two children. Either way, we would adopt if we couldn't have any more biologically. Definately an answer to prayer!!
Another awesome thing is that this Wednesday, we are going to have a 4-D ultrasound done.......for FREE!!! (with the exception of a minor co-pay) Typically insurance companies will not pay for this type of ultrasound, but since they are technically using it for diagnostic purposes, it is covered. We will get the same pictures etc without having to spend hundreds of dollars!! YAY. I am really nervous about this appointment because we are actually going to see what our beautiful little girl looks like!!! With that being said, they are going to be looking at everything very closely to see if there are any abnormalities. So far, she doesn't appear to have a cleft lip or palate, but the 4-D will be more accurate about the lip. There is a high risk with the syndrome that she would have one or both of those. We are praying that she doesn't have either, as that is one more surgery that she would not have to have. Ultimately in the end I know that God's will is going to be done no matter what & I just have to keep having faith. Please say a little prayer for us on Wednesday morning about 9:30 as we get the sneak peek at our daughter. (it still sounds wierd saying that....our daughter!)
In other exciting sister is flying in to town Wednesday morning to go to the ultrasound with me, Steve, and my parents. I must say that I have an awesome family! My sister was supposed to fly in on Friday, but when she found out that she could see Macy Jane, she changed her flight. She was supposed to get to see the ultrasound a few weeks ago, but because of the weather, that one was cancelled and she had to go back to Florida. She has never seen an ultrasound so it will be exciting for her. Steve has been at every appointment I have ever had regarding this pregnancy & I do not know what I would do without him. I was talking to a friend tonight and telling her that if I had married some of the jerks that I had dated in the past, they would have been long gone by now or freaking out about what's going on. Steve has remained calm & optimistic, even when I have not. He's had his share of bad days, but he is my rock and I love him! I thank God that he sent me the perfect husband and father for our child.
My family is throwing me my first baby shower this Saturday!! I am so excited. There are lots of people coming in from out of town that will be staying at our house and my parents...and possible hotels. I am trying to get my house ready for company It is clean, but there are still a few things I want to do before everyone starts arriving. The problem is that I worked today, tomorrow, and Tuesday.......and I don't feel like doing anything when I get off of work. way or the other it will get done. Some of my friends from work are going to be throwing me a "work shower" at the end of this month sometime, but I don't know the specifics of that one. I think it is supposed to be March 26th.
We ordered MJ's nursery furniture last Wednesday!! It should be in in around 4 weeks. We bought a crib that goes from crib, toddler bed, day bed, and full size bed. MJ can use this stuff forever and she better because it cost an arm and a leg! We also bought the 5-drawer chest-of-drawers, the long dresser w/hutch and the mattress. If any of you are interested in what it looks like the name of the website is memphisbabytime, the company is Bonavita, and the item is the Sheffield collection (In cherry) (I think Sheffield is right) Anyways, I can't wait to get it in so that we can start decorating her room. My plan for her nursery is for Steve to install a chair rail, we put the border that matches her bedding above the chair rail, and paint below the chair rail the dark pink/rose that is in her bedding. I am going to decorate the walls with wooden letters/ribbon, pictures, and things from her bedding collection. I can't wait
I am finally working dayshift. My boss has been excellent towards me and the situation that we are in. I have heard stupid rumors about people being mad at me or the system because I was able to go to dayshift and pick my schedule, but those people can just get over it. I did not ask to be put in this situation and am not taking advantage of it. I was already on the list for dayshift prior to all of this coming about and I don't know what my schedule is like more than a week in advance due to doctors appointments. I shouldn't have to explain myself to people because really it is NONE of their business what I do. What I do is between me and my boss. This is just a polite way for me to tell people to stay out of my business until you have walked a mile in my shoes, which I don't think anyone has done yet.
Speaking of working, it is past my bedtime. 4:30am comes early & I still have to make my lunch. Grrrrrr. Hope everyone is doing ok. We are doing great, just taking it one day at a time and thanking God for all that He has done and is Going to do. Keep praying for us, Please! Good night!!

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