Thursday, December 20, 2007

Thursday, December 20, 2007
MJ had her first appointment with her cardiologist yesterday. After sitting in the waiting room for an hour and a half we FINALLY got to see Dr. Joshi. The first thing he said was that she was SO pink....and NORMAL!!!! Her visit went well, no tests or anything like that at this visit. The scales at his office said that she weighed 13 pounds 5 ounces.....that means that she gained 1 pound 4 ounces in 5 days. She didn't really weigh that, once we got home she had had a rather large diaper full of surprises, but still weighed 12 pounds 15 ounces. (I rented some scales so that we could monitor her weight gain weekly)
Her weight gain is such an answer to prayer as she is below the 5th percentile in all of the categories. However, her body seems to be trying to catch up rather quickly, so she will be a butterball in no time. She is starting to get rolls on her legs cutest thing ever! She still throws up, but not as bad. I finally was able to find a wedge pillow that keeps her at a 30 degree angle when sleeping and I think that is helping. She usually has a major throw up once a day with normal spit-ups at other times. Much better than throwing up 6 times a day.
That's pretty much the update on Macy Jane. She is doing so well at home and is finally adjusting to life outside of the hospital.
On to other topics for a change. Tonight, I made some French Onion Soup....compliments of a Paula Dean recipe! We haven't eaten yet, but I sampled it and it is SO yummy. Steve called at 8pm and said he was just now leaving work. Long day for him!!! He is working his new job at Methodist and then working one day a week at Baptist to make some extra money while I am off. Kudos to him for busting his booty so that I can stay home. He still gets 3 days off a week so that is nice.
I can't believe that Christmas is almost here. We are having our family Christmas party Saturday at my house. Once again, I will have a house full of company this weekend. That's ok though because I am not one to sit at home and do nothing (well, I am always busy doing something around here) and being in the house all day every day annoys me. I still have a couple of things to get MJ at Wal-Mart. I went to Target thinking that since Target is nicer than Wal-Mart they should have a little better toys and what I was looking for. WRONG. I just hate going to wal-mart, but will suck it up and go tomorrow night.
Well, Steve should be getting home in a few minutes so I need to run. Macy Jane is sleeping peacefully on the couch (we have both been sleeping there recently until I figure out her sleeping/throwing up pattern) and I need to finish supper. I hope everyone is doing well!!!
Much Love,

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