Thursday, April 26, 2007

Thursday, April 26, 2007
I am so ready! Current mood: uncomfortable
Today we had our appointment with Dr. Schneider, the perinatologist. We got there a few minutes early and obviously had to wait. I was sitting on a couch with my mom and Steve and all of a sudden the right side of my lower back all the way to my appendix starting killing me! I haven't had pain that severe since I had my gallbladder "attacks". It lasted for about 5 minutes then eased up. Afterwards I had an aching there, but nothing intense. I had one Braxton-Hicks after that happened. Since then, my back has been hurting. It doesn't hurt when I stand up and walk around. I haven't tried laying down yet.....I hope I can still do that comfortably.
The ultrasound wasn't too uncomfortable. Macy Jane now weighs six pounds two ounces and is in the 61st percentile. MUCH better than the 73rd percentile, which is what she was in last month!! She hadn't moved very much all day, in fact I commented to Steve about not feeling her very much. Well, about half way through the ultrasound she woke up and didn't stop moving. She switched it to the 4D mode and you could just see her turning her little head side to side and moving her body all around! At first, her facial expression looked like she was NOT a happy camper. She was rather pouty and had her face in a frown. After a few minutes she had her eyes open and was blinking! That was so neat to get to see, I will never ever forget that image. We got a picture today of her puckering up her lips! Looks like she is getting ready to kiss someone
Of course, my amniotic fluid levels are as high as ever. I measured 33cm today of fluid. That is almost 10cm over what is considered High/Normal. Supposedly that is almost 3 liters of fluid in my belly! Talk about Niagara Falls when my water breaks (if it breaks before I have my scheduled c-section)!! The major risk of me having that much fluid is preterm labor. Of course, I only have 1 week or 2 weeks (depending on who you talk to) left and then she will be considered term. However, if I go in to labor now, they aren't going to stop me.
Also, because of the excess fluid, I am supposed to be really short of breath with a lot of abdominal and back discomfort. I guess I should be feeling like I was carrying triplets? So far, I haven't had any of that and have felt relatively good. I have had 2 days where I felt like crap, today & last Sunday. I am hoping that i wake up tomorrow all better I could have some problems with my uterus not contracting well after I give birth since it is so over-distended, but they can inject meds in to it after the c-section to help it contract better. One thing is for sure, Macy Jane is not cramped for space like most babies at this time. She has quite a nice little swimming pool going in there for her.
Me, Steve, and my mom went to Target tonight to return some duplicate items and other things we changed our minds about. We ended up buying some things off of our list that we either really wanted or knew noone was going to buy. We were lucky because some of the stuff was on-sale or clearance. My mom bought Macy Jane some cute little stuff, she is going to be the best Nana ever!! Her closet is already full of clothes, not to mention her chest of drawers and dresser. Oh-well, I love clothes, shoes, and why should my daughter be brought up any differently?!!
Well, I really want to put my pj's on and try to scan her ultrasound pictures so that I can put some new ones up. They all start to kind of look the same after a certain point, but they are all still so special to me!!! Until next time...........bye bye now!

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