Monday, June 25, 2007

Monday, June 25, 2007
Mixed Feelings
I was finally able to leave the hospital a little after 2pm. Now that I am at home, I am missing my MJ and cannot wait to get back to the hospital. It is funny how that when I am there and need a break I can't wait to leave, but after an hour or so I want to go back. Normal, I know. I had to get away and I am forcing myself to stay away for a little bit longer........but it's hard. I called Steve and heard her fussing in the background and I just wanted to reach through the phone and pick her up and hold her and give her an eskimo kiss to let her know everything is okay. It must be done though since I have only left the hospital 2 times in the past week and that was to grab dinner for an hour.
I am starting to think that MJ is going to be coming home on oxygen. Most babies with her heart defect are on oxygen supposedly, so I guess it was just a matter of time before she had to have it too. It is kind of a bummer, but God knows why.
I am so tired and would love to nap in my own bed but I am afraid that if I do that I will not wake up for hours and hours. Steve is at the hospital today watching MJ. He had to work the weekend so he took over today, which is why I am able to get away for a bit.
I went to the DHS office. I hate going places like that. I do not know why. I have hated it since I went with one of my friends years ago. I just feel dirty when I walk in the door. It didn't help that this office was in an old run down smelly building. I found out......................a whole bunch of nothing. I have an appointment on Wednesday morning that I am going to have to cancel. There is a ton of papers that I have to have for them such as 8 weeks of pay stubs, utility bills, bank statements, birth certificates etc. I feel like I am buying the house all over again. Needless to say I do not have time to find all of that. She doesn't need the Tenncare right away so we are going to wait until thinks settle down a bit first.
Well, it's after 6 so the rush hour traffic should be about over. I guess I am going to head back after I stop and eat some Mexican food with mom and grab Steve some Arby's. That's one thing that stinks. Since we live so far away, we can't cook a meal and bring it to the hospital each day so we have to eat out a lot. Thankfully, Steve's coworkers have him a card with some money in it and we have been able to eat off of that which helps out greatly with the finances. By the way--this is an informal thank you to those people that work with Steve that gave was greatly appreciated. I will post more later if anything new comes up. Bye Bye Now

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