Monday, June 25, 2007

Monday, June 25, 2007
People Current mood: drained
I have one question. Why do grown-ups act like little children and if they get their feelings hurt about something they revert to the "I'm not your friend anymore" or the "I am going to exclude you from this or that" mentality. Sometimes I feel like I am in elementary again.....or even preschool. Some of my friends that are grownups need to GROW UP and get a life because I do not have time in my life for stupid childish behavior and if you want to act like that then do me a favor and take me off of your friends list, do not read my blogs, and lose my phone number. I have more important things to deal with than who and who isn't my friend.
I realized last night that I have been calculating MJs weight wrong this week. They come in every night to weigh her around 8 pm and they weigh in kilograms. Somehow I screwed up my conversion to pounds and so we thought she wasn't gaining weight. HOWEVER...........Macy Jane has gained 8 whole ounces since she came in to the hospital. PRAISE THE LORD! And that is with her throwing up too. I was so happy when we realized our mistake. She is gaining more than what she needs to be actually, but that is okay. They want her gaining an ounce a day or there about, since that is what most other babies do.
Well, I need to run. Today I am driving to Covington to our county DHS office to see about getting MJ on Tenncare for her secondary insurance since her primary insurance isn't going to pay for certain things. Did I mention that we got a bill in the mail from LeBonheur for almost $67,000???!!! I laughed and laughed at that. Can honestly say I've never seen a bill that much. However, that is before they filed it with we'll see
Hope everyone is doing well. I can't wait to leave this hospital today for a break outside of these 4 walls. I will miss my little MJ, but I need to maintain my sanity for her sake as well. Keep praying!!

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