Sunday, June 3, 2007

Sunday, June 03, 2007
Curious Current mood: ecstatic
Last night at 2am I decided I would step on the awful scales and see what I had lost since the baby was born. According to the scales, I have lost 30 pounds since she was born!!!!!!! I only gained 25 with her :) Now, the true test will be when I go to the doctor because I don't know how off my scales are compared to theirs, but I was pretty excited.
I have been wearing pajama like clothes since she was born and can't wait to see if I can wear my pre-preggo jeans again. Today I am going to the grocery so we'll see what fits. Ahh.....normal clothes again I am so excited. Of course, my body looks different since it was extremely stretched out, but with some hard work and determination, I'll become "normal" hopefully......if not, there is always plastic surgery after baby #2 gets here (in a few years, I pray-haha).
Well, that's it for now. Just thought I would share that info since it made me happy. I've had about 2 hours sleep in the past 24 so I am about to turn things over to my mom and sister and crawl in the bed with Steve for a couple of hours in MY OWN BED! Yipee.
By the way, MJ has only spit-up once overnight, no throwing up though--thank God! She still doesn't take a whole lot by mouth, but we give it to her in her tube so she is getting the nutrition she needs.

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