Saturday, June 30, 2007

Saturday, June 30, 2007
Saturday Current mood: excited
I must say that it is nice to have Steve here with me finally. He is only gone for 2 days at a time, but that seems like an eternity. :o)
This update will be quick as I need to get back upstairs and hold MJ. We talked with Dr. Cabrera this morning and he was very optimistic again. He told us that MJ likes to be held and that she does better when she is held and that it is very helpful to them that she is calm when they wean down her sedation medicine and can turn down the ventilator support. SO! Needless to say, she is going to be held all of the time now
She is doing really good and she looks great. Her coloring is nice and pink and her oxygen levels are fantastic. I can't wait to get back upstairs and hold my sweet "sugar bear". That is what I call her when I see her or "sug" (sounds like shoog).
The parent resource center (where I go to use the computer) has weird hours on the weekend so this is the last time I can check this or email for today. Tomorrow it is open from 1-5 so my update will be a little later.
Oh yeah--Dr. Cabrera said that she should come off the vent in the next day or so. YAY I can hear her grunt, cough, cry etc. I have never wanted to hear her cry so much!!
Hope everyone is doing well. Continue to pray for these specific things:
Collateral arteries to grow bigger, Dr. Hanley to make the right decision, MJ to continue to gain weight (she weighs over 7pounds 11 ounces), MJs immune system (they sent blood off yesterday to evaluate it, we will know more in a few days) and just everything in general.
Once again, thanks so much for the prayers. It is awesome to see God working even in the tiniest ways.

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