Saturday, September 29, 2007
Friday Current mood: content
Greetings from rainy California! I hope everyone is well. Things are going okay today. No setbacks to mention!!! The verdict is in......Macy Jane weighs 9.03 pounds!!!! She came in to the hospital weighing 11 pounds 2 ounces. Pretty big weight loss for 2 weeks. However, her eyes are no longer sunken in their appearance and she looks much much better. She has fallen back in love with her pacifier and cries when she spits it out! Steve sat with her today while me and mom had lunch and did some grocery shopping. I actually cooked dinner with Steve tonight and ate with mom, it was like we were a normal family!
MJs white count is still up to 40,000 today but she has had no fever. Last night we caught on to something. The nurse checked her temperature about 11pm and said that it was 38.8, under her arm. I asked him to do a rectal temperature because she didn't feel that warm to me and he did it reluctantly. Her temperature was only 37.4!! I told them that she gets very hot externally and you have to uncover her for about 5 minutes and then take it under the arm. We aren't sure why her temp is so high. Steve thinks that she has an ileus, which makes sense because her stools are very weird looking and she has only had 1 in the past 2 weeks. The docs are doing a KUB (xray of belly) in the am with her chest xray. Pray that her white count will come down, please!!!
Steve invited me to a Stanford University football game tomorrow night, if there are tickets available in the morning. That would be fun! I told him I would really like to see if the SF 49ers were playing while we are out here. How cool would that be? :o)
Well, I have my starbucks and a full belly of home cookin so I am going to go sit with MJ and read my book. Hope everyone is doing great!
Much love,
Thursday, September 27, 2007
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