Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Wednesday PM Current mood: exhausted
We just saw Dr. Hanley a few minutes ago. Macy Jane's surgery is now over, it took over 14 hours and we still have not seen her. It could be over an hour before we do get to see her. MACY JANE MADE IT THROUGH SURGERY!!!
This is the deal. He was unable to do a complete repair, but he stated that this was purely his judgement call, based on years of experience as he put it. He told us that the pressures in her lungs were excellent, and he could have closed the hole in her heart but he did not know if long term that would be the way to go. He told us that by not closing it, this would allow her new pulmonary arteries to grow without him having to worry if they were getting too much blood and becoming narrowed. What does all of this mean? Macy Jane will still be able to turn blue, but her oxygen levels should be better than they were. In 3-6 months, she will come back to Palo Alto, California for a heart catheterization and then at that point they will more than likely be able to close the hole in the heart. He stated that this was a little disappointing to him, and he knew it was disappointing to us, but he also knew in his gut that this was the best long term decision for Macy Jane.
I was hoping that they could do the complete repair, but I am just so excited that they were able to at least fix Macy Jane's heart so far. God has blessed us so far and I am so thankful that we still have Macy Jane!!!!!! I will do whatever I can over the next few months to help her grow and stay healthy so that she can come back and be prepared for her surgery. God is completely in control and I am trusting him that he has a perfect plan for her.
That is all for now. I am going to go for now and wait for the call saying that we can go back and see her. Keep praying, she has a long road ahead, especially since we learned that her chest is still open.
Thank you to everyone for praying. She has a long road of recovery ahead of her and one more major surgery. They just came out and told us that her chest is still open, which means that she has a lot of swelling and it may be a few days before they close it. I am scared to see her because she is going to look pretty bad, but she is still my big girl and I love her so much.

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