Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Wednesday, AM update Current mood: drained
Well, it is 10:30 out here and we kissed MJ good-bye around 7:45am. We are still waiting to meet Dr. Hanley, which means that since he hasn't come by, he hasn't started working on Macy Jane yet. The anesthesiologist that is working MJ's case, said that he has about 2 hours of work to do on Macy Jane before they even page Dr. Hanley to begin surgery. We are unsure if her chest will already be open when he goes back there or if he will actually open it. The supposed total time of surgery could be as long as 16+ hours. So, if you do not see a blog from me from the rest of the day, we do not know anything else. They did tell us that noone would update us, but if we just couldn't wait to know we could have a nurse practioner paged and if she were available could go back and get an update for us. Basically, no news is good news.
I noticed something. When Macy Jane had her stomach surgery, all they talked to us about was how she was at such a high risk for death etc etc. That is all we heard and took from the conversations with the surgery. However, this time noone has focused on that and have even said that death from the surgery is not likely. They see this type of defect all of the time around here and it is very common. It is so wierd how you can travel 1500 miles across the country and healthcare is so different.
I am completely at peace right now, even though my little girl is somewhere in this hospital fighting for her life. I know it is all of the people that are praying and I appreciate it. Please do not stop, I know it is the only thing that is keeping all of us from being a nervous wreck. I keep looking up to see if a man with blue scrubs and a brown sports jacket is coming down the hall. Let's get this show on the road folks.
Thanks for the prayers. Basically, at this point we will go with "no news from Bethany means good news". I will post a blog when we know something.
Much love,

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