Friday, April 18, 2008

Friday, April 18, 2008
Busy Little Bee Current mood: chipper
That is what we have been, busy little bee's! This is going to be quick since MJ is in the living room watching cartoons in her bouncy, unsupervised
My weigh-in yesterday went really well! I lost 5.2 pounds last week, which is a lot, but I needed that number to make up for the last 2 dismal weeks. I am back on track to have 100 pounds gone by January!! To date, I have lost almost 40 pounds, 39.something to be exact. It has taken me 14 weeks to do it, but that is okay with me! I am finally down to where I have less than 100 pounds to lose (94 something). That sounds so much better than 133.8 pounds to lose!! I am still not liking what I see in the mirror and it is hard for me to be able to tell a difference, but my clothes fit great I am almost back to what I was when we got married, which is still pretty big, but not as big as I was 39+ pounds ago! I will keep forging ahead and enjoying my new energy levels and wardrobe.
MJ's birthday is in one month and a few days. It dawned on me yesterday that I need to order the invitations and get them in the mail. I did a brainstorm guest list last night and it came to 26 people definately coming and 16 possible's and I am sure I forgot some people. This party is a celebration of Macy Jane's life and yes it is a birthday party, but it is also going to be a "people who want to see her but haven't been able to yet" party, a delayed welcome home party. She is well enough and RSV season is over, so it is time for her to meet all of the precious people that were her biggest fans and prayer warriors I can't wait!! If any of my blog fans would like to be added to the list, please just message me with your address. We will also be having lunch etc. Yay!
Someone asked me if we felt the earthquake last night. Nope, didn't feel it! I am not even sure if Memphis felt it since I haven't watched the news this morning.
Well, it is time for MJ's meds and my breakfast and coffee. I hope that everyone is doing well. Please continue to pray for Richie and Andrea, the parents of Miles, who is now walking the streets of heaven with Jesus, painfree. I know that they would appreciate it.
Much Love,

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