Thursday, April 17, 2008

Thursday, April 17, 2008
Lazy Current mood: blessed
The subject lazy is exactly what I was today. Miss Macy Jane woke me up at 0730 (for the first time since we have been home) ready to start her day. She usually sleeps anywhere from 8:30-10am, but I have noticed her sleeping patterns changing a lot lately. That is okay though because I was in the bed by 10:30 last night, shocker!
We had a great day! For the first time ever, I sat in the living room with her and we watched cartoons together until about 11. She just laughed and kicked and tried to talk to all of the cartoon characters, it was pretty cute. I had no idea she liked tv this much! When we were at LPCH, she watched the Baby Einstein channel there, but not so much since being at home Perhaps we will start watching them a few days a week. I just don't want her becoming addicted to TV and be a couch tator. It was nice to be able to leave the room and she didn't even notice!
She played in her jumperoo for a few hours and it sent me down memory lane. It wasn't but just 3-4 months ago that she wasn't tall enough to touch her toes to the floor, even on the lowest setting, and she would get tired of holding her head up after a few minutes. And to try to get her to put weight on her legs was out of the question! However, NOW we have adjusted the seat 3 times now and she is still flatfooted in it. She LOVES to jump up and down and stand in the jumpie! It took her a while to figure out that she could spin herself in it, but she has that mastered now.
It never ceases to amaze me how far she has come in the 4 and 1/2 months that we have been home! I am trully thankful to the Lord for all of His blessings on her and give Him all of the glory for it. It won't be too long before she says dada. A few days ago she started saying "da" sounds, which is a huge step for her. Someday she will be talking my ear off No, she still isn't able to sit up 100% by herself for extended periods of time, but she can sit up (when she wants to) for about 30 seconds. She doesn't need to crawl, lol, she gets where she needs to go by rolling. Today, she discovered the fireplace and the key that turns the gas on for it. That became her chew toy. She is starting to get up on her knees though, but her belly is still on the floor. She has also started this new thing of planting her feet on the ground when she is on her back and raising her butt up off of the ground. She makes me laugh.
We found out that she DID qualify for the Tenneessee Early Intervention Services. She was barely eligible according to the state's developmental delay standards, which is a good thing I guess, but thank the Lord that she will recieve therapy to help her get caught up the rest of the way! We are supposed to find out in the next couple of weeks when the therapy will be and where. She was 40% delayed in adaptive skills, which is her ability to care for herself (duh she doesn't hold a bottle to eat etc.....she doesn't eat with her mouth. She can put the bottle and food in her mouth, she doesn't want to!) and 25% in her speech/communication. Not too bad! I am excited to see what the future has in store for our little butterball.
I know that some people get all wrapped up in what and when their babies were able to do something or when they first got their teeth etc. Some people get upset when they don't have a child that they feel they can brag on for being first to do this or that. To me, and this is just my opinion, none of that stuff matters. When our children are in school, noone is going to ask you "oh when did she crawl or say her first word etc." For some reason, some parents have to feel validated when their children do something superb and when that doesn't happen, the parents always feel that it is their fault and that something is wrong with their child. I look at Macy Jane and am just thankful that she is alive and blessing me and my loved ones with her presence on this earth. I don't care if she is 2 before she is walking, she will eventually do it and I do not feel bad that I can't "brag" on her for doing things early. It drives me crazy when parents get in to a (for lack of a better phrase) pissing contest over what their children are able to do. I think by saying that stuff, it puts more pressure on the child to be perfect so mommy and daddy will be pleased, not necessarily because the child wants to do it.
Anyways, that's all about that. Don't get me wrong, I love to hear about what my friend's children are doing and that they are hitting their milestones etc. I do not like hearing about the overboard suped up show-off updates or the my child doesn't do this and I wish he did so I could brag on him/her. Bleh!
MJ had her appointment with her pediatrician last Friday. She has now graduated to the 50th percentile range for her weight and she is between 25-50% for her height. Go figure with the heigth, considering me and Steve are short little shrimps! This makes me soooo happy because in December she wasn't even on the growth charts! God is good We lowered her down to 22 cal/oz formula, which is almost the normal! She needs to stay plump and sassy for her next open heart surgery and it wouldn't hurt my feelings at all for her to have a little bit of a fat reserve so that she doesn't get scrawny again. Somehow, I don't see that happening!!! (getting scrawny) She is finally caught up on her shots and we don't go back to see him until July! YAY!
Well, I need to get in the bed. Weigh in is in the am and tomorrow is my mom's birthday as well. The last 2 weeks have sucked in the weight loss department. I am still losing, just not as much. However, I think I did better this week I hope so anyways. I just rememberd that I didn't update my ticker last week either. Might as well wait until tomorrow now.
Please remember Richie and Andrea in your prayers. They have a sweet angel, Miles, watching over them now. Praise the Lord that he is in a place where there is no more suffering and tears. I know that his parents are heartbroken, but I also know that the Lord will give them the peace and comfort that they need to get through this unfortunate time in their lives.
Much Love,
Bethany Jane

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